Here you will find 10 old German recipes of the bourgeois cuisine.

The recipes were translated from Old German almost 1:1. Only the grammar was changed to the current language.

1. Old german recipe for roast hare

Ăśber 100 Jashre altes Rezept fĂĽr Hasenbraten
More than 100 years old recipe for roast hare

Here it begins already with the freshly shot hare with fur. The recipe was translated from the old German without changes.

One hare is enough for 6 to 8 people, depending on its size.

When buying the hare, you need to pay attention to where the same is shot. If the shot hit the back, the hare is inferior because just the best pieces are injured.

Very large hares are usually old animals, their meat can be made more tender by soaking the prepared hare in sour milk or buttermilk for 2 to 3 days before roasting.

The preparation of the hare is quite tedious. Usually, when you buy the hares, they are already gutted, and inside you will find only the heart, lungs and liver. Otherwise, you have to slit open the belly and take out the intestines.

Then the hare is stripped. For this purpose, it is hung on two nails with the hind legs spread apart, the fur is cut around the hind legs, and the fur is first removed from the legs, with the help of a pointed knife, so that no meat is torn from the legs.

From the torso the fur is pulled down very comfortably, only at the belly one must help likewise with the knife. Around the front legs, the skin is also cut and completely stripped off; when the skin has been pulled off so far that only the head remains, it is separated from the rump with a sharp cut.

Then take out the heart, lungs and liver, remove the very small bile from the liver and put these parts, except for the bile, in cold water so that the blood is drained.

Now chop off the paws, separate the bones of the hind legs at the closure with a sharp cut, clean the pasture hole and wash the inside of the hare clean.

Bunny ready to cook

2. Sauerbraten is one of the top classics of German Sunday cuisine.

ĂĽber 100 Jahre altes deutsches Rezept fĂĽr Sauerbraten

(For 6 people 2 1/2 – 3 pounds of beef)

For sauerbraten is best suited fat tail or flower. Put the meat in a pickle or marinade for 5 days in winter and 2 days in summer, prepared in the following way.

Boil 1/2 liter of beer vinegar and 1/2 liter of water with 3 bay leaves, 8 spice seeds, 6 cloves and 4 peppercorns and pour the marinade boiling over the previously washed and dried meat.

This causes the outer layer of the meat to contract and prevents the meat juices from seeping out.

In summer, the meat must be kept open in a cool place, otherwise it becomes slightly dull; to protect it from insects, cover it with a wire lid. It is also turned over frequently with a ladle. Before cooking, it is larded like pot roast. Then, in an iron pot, heat 100g of butter or rendered kidney fat and put the meat in it. Carefully move the meat back and forth and turn it over until it is browned on all sides. Then pour in enough boiling water to cover half of the meat and quickly close the pot with a tight-fitting lid.

Sauerbraten angerichtet
Sauerbraten served

3. Roast turkey

ĂĽber 100 Jahre altes Putenbraten Rezept

Another recipe from my series “over 100 years old German recipe”. Like the other recipes it should inspire you that you can cook very good, down-to-earth dishes even with very simple, limited means!

One large stuffed turkey is enough for 10 to 12 people. It is recommended to use only turkeys that are only 3/4 or 1 year old for roasting.

After plucking and gutting the turkey, let it hang in a cool place for 8 to 10 days.

Then it is gutted, washed and dressed. The breast and leg are larded with bacon and the crop is usually filled. First, a piece of bread or a raw potato is put into the crop so that its lower opening is closed, then the crop is filled not too tightly and sewn shut.

If you do not know for sure whether the turkey is young or not, it is advisable to put it in boiling water first. Fill the roasting pan halfway with water, put it in the hot oven and let the turkey cook for 1/2 hour. Take it out, pour the water into a saucepan and put it aside, so that it can be used later.

Now put slices of bacon and 200g of butter into the pan. As soon as the butter starts to fry, put the turkey into the pan with the breast facing upwards, otherwise the stuffed crop could easily burst. Then sprinkle the turkey with salt and cover it with buttered paper, lifting it up each time it is basted.

The turkey must be stuffed particularly diligently, since it cannot be turned, from time to time boiling sideways is poured to the sauce and the brown set is scraped off the sides and mixed with the sauce.

For the last half hour, remove the paper and let the turkey brown without stuffing it. However, the roast must be only light brown, and also the sauce must look very light, you make the same flush with a little stirred potato flour.

A young turkey is put on right away with bacon and butter. Roasting time 2 – 2 1/2 hours.


4. old german recipe for stuffing a goose

Rezept Gänsefüllung
Recipe goose stuffing


The simplest stuffing is with whole and unpeeled apples, and the best are Vorsdorfer, you need about 2 pounds for one goose. They are also filled with peeled chestnuts, also probably with potatoes scalded in boiling water.

Steamed rice with mushrooms or macaroni or noodles cooked in salted water or steamed sauerkraut also make a popular stuffing.

A very tasty stuffing is made in the following way:

2 pounds of chestnuts are peeled and boiled in boullion until soft. Then chop the foie gras very finely, add 1 chopped onion roasted yellow in butter together with the chestnuts, and add some apples cut into cubes, 50g raisins, some salt and finely weighted marjoram.

If you want to use the goose liver for other purposes, it can be omitted from this stuffing.


The following ingredients are required for an excellent meat filling:

Goose liver, 250g of calf’s liver, 250g of lean veal, 250g of lean pork, 250g of air bacon, all minced very finely. Furthermore, 2 egg yolks, milk rolls soaked and squeezed again, salt, pepper and a little thyme. To make the filling quite fine, pass it through a sieve and add currants or leave them out.

Regarding the stuffing, remember that it must be cold before you fill the goose with it. Then sew up the goose at both ends, but do not forget to remove the threads before serving.

Roast goose

Over 100 years old German recipe for a turkey stuffing

PutenfĂĽllung Rezept
  1. bread roll filling
    125g of stale bread is soaked in water and then squeezed out. In the grating bowl with 60g butter, 2 eggs and 1 egg yolk rubbed. Add 30g of washed and dried currants, 30g of scalded, finely weighed almonds and turkey liver, previously cooked and grated on a grater.
  2. meat filling
    125g of butter is stirred into cream. 125g of soaked and squeezed bread, 4 eggs, salt, grated nutmeg, 1 tablespoon of cleaned currants, 12 sweet grated almonds, the finely weighed raw liver, 125g of finely weighed veal and 125g of finely weighed fat pork are then mixed well with it.

5. Recipe more than 100 years old – foie gras with truffles

über 100 Jahre altes deutsches Rezept für Gänseleber

Wash and soak the foie gras so that it becomes quite white. Then put it in boiling water for 1 minute and immediately in cold water again, so that it becomes somewhat firm.

Cut the truffles into strips and lard the foie gras with them.

Now put in a casserole a piece of butter, a sliced onion, a piece of lemon peel, some thin slices of bacon and the liver on top.

Now pour a glass of red wine and a small cup of meat broth on top, cover the liver with a few thin slices of bacon and a sheet of paper smeared with butter and let it simmer very slowly, well covered. It takes 1/2 to 3/4 hour.

Meanwhile, truffles, for which you can also use leftovers, are steamed in red wine until soft, the sauce in which you steamed the liver is poured through a sieve, mixed with this, seasoned with Maggi and served over the liver.


6. Roast chicken

Ăśber 100 Jahre altes Rezept HĂĽhnerbraten

For roasting chickens are suitable only fat broilers, which are bought under the name of capon or poulard. But make sure that you buy young animals.

One large broiler chicken is enough for 5 to 6 people. After the chicken is slaughtered, it is left to hang for several days, in its feathers, because freshly slaughtered it is hard and tough.

It is plucked, washed and gutted according to the instructions. When plucking, be very careful not to tear the skin. It is then finely larded or wrapped with slices of bacon and tied with string. Fry it in a moderately hot oven with butter.

Put the chicken in the pan with the breast downwards and do not forget to baste it diligently, because only then it tastes tender and juicy.

To prevent the chicken from drying out, place a sheet of buttered paper over it.

Finally, gradually add 1/2 cup of sour cream to the sauce. Just before serving, remove the bacon slices and buttered paper and pour a few spoonfuls of sauce over the roast so that it comes to the table quite shiny.


7. Roasted pigeon

Rezept gebratene Taube

Young pigeons are suitable for roasting, calculate 1 pigeon per person. The pigeon is prepared according to No. 25 and 26 (plucking + gutting). When plucking, be especially careful not to tear the crop. After loosening the crop a little on the breast with the finger, fill it with a stuffing as described under turkey stuffing.

Then sew up the neck and body and fry the pigeons in butter in a pan. Roasting time is 1/2 to 1 hour. Pigeons must be lightly salted and roasted only yellow, the sauce must not be brown in the least. The set that forms in the crucible, after removing the pigeons, boil with a little water and season the sauce with Maggi.

Taube in Baum

8. cooked pigeon

Rezept gekochte Taube

After preparing the pigeons, put them in boiling water, add salt, a little spice and root vegetables, add a piece of butter and cook them slowly for 3/4 to 1 hour until soft.

In order for the broth to be quite strong, only 1/4 liter of water is added to one pigeon.

The boiled pigeons are served with fricassee or parsley sauce. Or with fine vegetables such as asparagus, cauliflower or peppers.

Taube in Gras

9. Wild duck

Rezept Wildente

One duck is enough for 2 to 3 people. If the ducks are still very young, it is recommended that you skin them and wrap them with slices of bacon.

The ducks are washed clean, but not watered. Then rub them inside and out with salt and crushed pepper and spices, put in some pepper cabbage and, if desired, a few apples from Vorsdorf, sew them up and wrap them with slices of bacon. It is best to fry them like hare pepper, taking quite a lot of onion, but leaving out the sugar.

The small teals have a particularly fine taste.

Wildente ĂĽber Wasser

10. Pheasant

Rezept Fasan

Before preparing the pheasant, pluck it briefly, scorch it in spirit and then wash it.

After gutting it, wipe it clean with a cloth, rub it with salt inside and out and wrap it in slices of bacon. To make it even juicier, it can be wrapped in paper soaked in olive oil.

First, place it breast down in boiling butter in the pan and fry it over moderate heat for 1 to 1.5 hours until cooked and dark yellow, turning it over once.

Before serving, add 1/2 cup sweet cream whisked through with 1 teaspoon wheat flour to the sauce to make it flush. When serving, remove the bacon slices, place them on an oblong dish and place the pheasant on top.


11. Partridge

Rezept Rebhuhn

2 partridges are enough for 3 to 4 people. After having prepared the partridges well and dried them out inside, but not washed them, lard them abundantly with fine bacon or wrap them in bacon slices. Then put them in boiling butter, salt them, add a few juniper berries, and fry them, diligently pouring water over them, for 20 to 30 minutes, or longer if they are not quite young.

The sauce can be improved immensely with sour cream, but it must be added gradually from the beginning so that it roasts well.

Older partridges are prepared in the same way, but first boil them covered in a little water for 1/2 hour, then take them out of the broth, put them in boiling butter in the pan and fry them like the young chickens, while gradually adding the broth.

The partridges become very tasty if they are prepared and larded and left for 2 days in 1/4 to 1/2 liter of light white wine, which is then added during frying.

Rebhuhn im Schnee