I speak here as a former passionate retailer and store manager.
Without detours, we start with the imperatives of shopping in German supermarkets.
- After removing your items from the freezer, you will close it properly!
- You will not remove goods from their places to put them down again 10m away. This applies especially to meat, refrigerated and frozen products. For example, an ordinary citizen discovers an unrefrigerated meat package and puts it back after 10 or 20 hours of interruption of the cold chain, which can be life-threatening for a sensitive person or children!
- You will not put yourself or your children in the basket with street shoes(for hygienic reasons) or otherwise misuse the shopping cart!
- You will not commit shoplifting!
- You will not eat loose produce from the produce section, that is also stealing!
- You will use a shopping cart or basket and not juggle your items to the register!
- You will not put merchandise in your backpack or bag before it is paid for!
- You will move briskly at the checkout, quickly bagging your items and just as quickly clearing the checkout area! No one likes time theft!
- You will not open and consume snacks, candy or drinks in the store, even if you plan to pay for them!
- You will not enter the store with food or open drinks! Exception: coffee to go with closed lid.
- You will not fool around with your friends, talk loudly or even yell around!
- You will not stay in the store longer than necessary!
- You will remove your sunglasses from the time you enter the store until you leave!
- You will use the tongs at the self-service bakery for small items, you may grab breads with your hand!
- You will return the shopping cart or basket properly to the designated place!
- You will only enter the store with a normal amount of deposit bottles! Exception: large consumer markets such as Kaufland, pure beverage dealers or supermarkets with 2 deposit machines.
- You will put your empties only completely emptied into the machine!
- In case of complaints or returns you will report to the cash desk and will clear the cash desk area immediately! Somewhat apart you wait for the shift leader without disturbing the cash operation!
- If something falls down and breaks you will report it properly to the next salesman! If no salesman is to be seen you will knock at the office and report there!
h think these simple guidelines have global impact contributing to a more relaxed and restful shopping experience for all involved. Unfortunately, most of these simple rules are trampled on by many German citizens.
Show them that you can do better!